

Jody Pagan

General Manager/Chief Biologist
Five Oaks Wildlife Services, LLC.

Greetings from 5 Oaks!

Hunting is my addiction! Habitat Management is my passion! My goal in life was to be a “wetland biologist”. All I have ever really known is the outdoors and trying to learn more about wildlife management. I grew up on a small farm in southern Arkansas. Management was in my blood. Both my grandfathers had family farms and after they passed away my mom, dad, and I took over management of the farms. I remember growing my first deer food plot on the family farm when I was thirteen years old. It excited me. To see the wildlife respond to my management practices. That is what drives me to learn more and try new management practices…the wildlife response!

I worked as a biologist for USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for twelve wonderful years. I was privileged to work with some great state, federal, and non-profit agency employees to restore thousands of acres of wetland in Arkansas. During the latter part of my career with NRCS I traveled the country working with the greatest minds in wetland restoration and management. I was able to play a major role in restoring hundreds of thousands acres of wetland through the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) across the country. It was a fast and furious ride and something I’ll always remember.

Few hunters realize that wildlife management is a 365 day a year job. To truly maximize the hunting opportunity you must give back to the resource. Our existence at Five Oaks Wildlife Services, LLC depends on maximizing waterfowl habitat to increase the hunting opportunity. We are not just a consulting company. We manage Five Oaks Duck Lodge and their properties. And successfully face the day to day challenge of providing the greatest hunting opportunity for our guests each hunting season.

I’m a very blessed person. I have a beautiful wife, two wonderful kids, a great duck dog, and the opportunity to do what I love for a guy like George Dunklin.

Remember, management is the key to success!


Bailey Dickson

Distribution and Purchasing Manager
Five Oaks Wildlife Services, LLC.

A native of Stuttgart, AR, graduated from Arkansas Tech University with a Bachelor of Science in Management and Marketing. I wanted to come back home and get into the agriculture industry. Five Oaks Wildlife Services was a perfect fit for me, it feeds my agricultural interests and my love of hunting.

Trees + Millet + Risers and Pipes = DUCKS!!

If you need it, I can get it! It is my goal to make sure that every customer finds exactly what they need to fulfill their irrigation and wildlife management needs. I have chased ducks all my life and a hunter never heads into the woods with substandard equipment, so why wouldn’t you use the best for your habitat management needs. Our products will help enhance your hunting opportunity, end of story.